Monday, August 11, 2008


For over 35 years I have passionately sought natural answers for health and healing.
As a Mother of 7 and a Grandmother of 9, I have had many challenges and opportunities to further the passion.
Over the years, I have come to believe that there are simple and reasonable ways to have power over our lives and health.
Our medical paradigm can be a discouraging place to be when you are sick. Often they have limited answers.
Having experienced cancer twice myself, I am incredibly grateful for the alternative answers.
In this article, I will give you a list of what I call THE BASICS.
I must confess that over the past 35 years, I have been extreme, fanatical, spent wasted money and gone to the ridiculous. Though I am still learning, I now know to keep it simple, keep it reasonable and most importantly, TRUST in the incredible bodies we live in.
Given what it needs, our body can overcome disease and slow the aging process.

The BASICS is just a list of what I believe we need to have to do just that.
Some of it we need to do everyday, some, much less often. Some of the Basics build our bodies, some of them cleanse, some of them both build and cleanse.

I first address the nutritional aspect of life. I believe that if we give our bodies what they need to physically do life well, we have a foundation from which we can address everything else.


Cod Liver Oil
Raw Honey
Hemp hearts
Chia Seed
Wolf/Goji Berries
Psyllium Seeds
Celtic Sea Salt
Green Chai Tea
Live Foods
Parasite Cleanse
Bowel Cleanse
Lymphatic/Liver/Urinary Cleanse
Pau'Darco Tea
Essiac Tea
Apricot Kernals

There you have it for today. I will talk about each of these in turn.

The BASICS also includes a broader list about our home environment, relationships, exercise and care options. Remember, Natural changes take time, be patient with the process.
Please feel free to email me at at any time.

1 comment:

City Girl at Heart said...

This is awsome! I love the info and now I have a place that has a hard copy and I can go and get the answer at anytime of the day or night.I'm so glad there's a place I can get all my questions answered and learn more information on how to keep me and my family healthly. I love the blog and will make sure I let everyone know about it.